TeGaia KYRIAKOULI’s estate, is based and operates nearby the ancient city of Tegea, at an altitude of 650m, in the center of the Peloponnese. It is a family business, which deals with the cultivation, production, storage, standardization and packaging of standard agricultural products. Although the effort became operational only in 2020, Kiriakoulis family has been dealing with soil and agriculture since the late 1890s.

“High yields also have high demands”

We apply the traditional cultivation technique combining it with cutting-edge technologies, thus creating the specifications for high quality Greek products.

Our mission: the protection of consumer health, through a comprehensive safety and hygiene policy of traded products.


TeGaia KIRIAKOULI’s estate, is a new company in the field of agricultural production, which has the means, human resources and knowledge to achieve its goals, which is nothing but quality.

The long tradition of agricultural cultivation in the family (already five generations old), but also the innovative ideas of its immediate continuators, promise fresh, nutritious, safe and healthy products, with unparalleled taste, to every consumer.

Our company’s axes are: love for the goods, protection of the environment, with the correct use of plant protection products, continuous control of the products and implicit satisfaction of our customers.


The company is located in Vouno Tegeas, in the district of Arcadia. The storage-maintenance of our products is done in privately owned modern facilities with a total area of 700 m2.

The storage capacity of the facilities amounts to 400 m3, while fully equipped cold rooms are used for the adequate maintenance of the products, with a total capacity of 1400 m3. This is where the modern means for the cultivation of our land are housed.

Our facilities meet all the requirements of Food Hygiene and Safety, as well as assurance of their Safe Handling, according to the international standard ISO 22000.

In 2024, our company proceeded with the construction of a photovoltaic installation on the roofs of our buildings, aiming at self-production of energy and covering our needs. We move forward with respect for the environment and promoting sustainability.


Our property is located in the center of Arcadia, in the area of Tegea, just a few kilometers away from the city of Tripoli, in the village of Vouno. In the area we have created a unique agricultural mosaic with 600 acres of privately owned land, where high quality agricultural products are grown.

The decisive factor in the development of these products is the microclimate formed by Lake Taka, just one kilometer from our land. The name comes from the Italian word Tacca, which means open ground, while the lake has been included in the EU Natura 2000 network and belongs to the “Place of Community Importance” category.

With love, experience and inherited knowledge in the cultivation of the land, our products always remain at the top of the needs of every consumer. With the constant cooperation and guidance of experienced agronomists, the specifications of a standard crop are ensured, always on the basis of clear instructions from the Ministry of Agricultural Development and Food.

The soils of the area are mainly alluvial and hydromorphic with moderate clay content, with very good physicochemical properties, contributing to their high and efficient productivity.

By applying the appropriate cultivation methods in combination with love, passion and experience, we ensure excellent quality of each crop, since 1890.

The packing and the storage of the products is managed by specialized personnel, according to all the necessary conditions, ensuring the quality of the products, the safety of the final consumer as well as the environmental friendliness.

The products grown on our land are the following:

  • Potatoes
  • Starking Delicious – Fuji apples
  • Apples Delicious Pilafa (PDO)
  • Pears
  • Wine grapes – Moschofilero
  • Walnuts
  • Cherries
  • Sour cherries
  • Lettuce
  • Cabbage


At the company’s packing plant operates a modernized production line with a capacity of 5 tons/hour. The main line (Elevator → Brush → Preloader → Sorting table) is connected to a 30 kg weighing and bagging machine.

The space is equipped with the necessary ventilation and heating systems in order to protect the health of our employees.

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